How to Change the Wake Word for Your Amazon Echo: A Comprehensive Guide

Amazon Echo devices have become an integral part of many people’s daily lives, providing a range of voice-controlled features and functionalities. One of the key aspects of using an Amazon Echo is the wake word – the command that activates the device and prompts it to listen to your voice commands. By default, the wake word for Amazon Echo devices is “Alexa.” However, you may want to change the wake word for various reasons, such as avoiding confusion with similar-sounding names or simply personalizing your device. In this article, we will guide you through the process of changing the wake word for your Amazon Echo device.

Why Change the Wake Word?

There are several reasons why you might want to change the wake word for your Amazon Echo device:

  1. Avoiding accidental activations: If you have a family member or friend with a name that sounds similar to “Alexa,” your device may be inadvertently activated during conversations. Changing the wake word can help prevent these accidental activations.
  2. Personalization: Customizing your Amazon Echo device’s wake word can make your interactions feel more personal and tailored to your preferences.
  3. Privacy: Some users may feel more comfortable using a different wake word to avoid the perception that their device is always listening.
  4. Multiple Echo devices: If you have multiple Amazon Echo devices in your home, changing the wake word for each device can help avoid confusion and ensure that only the intended device responds to your commands.

Available Wake Words

Currently, Amazon Echo devices support four wake words:

  1. Alexa (default)
  2. Amazon
  3. Echo
  4. Computer

It’s essential to note that, at this time, you cannot create custom wake words beyond these four options.

Changing the Wake Word Using the Alexa App

Follow these simple steps to change the wake word for your Amazon Echo device using the Alexa app:

  1. Open the Alexa app: Ensure that your smartphone or tablet is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your Amazon Echo device. Launch the Alexa app on your device.
  2. Access the device settings: Tap on the “Devices” icon located in the lower-right corner of the app. This icon looks like a small house.
  3. Select your Echo device: In the “Devices” section, you will see a list of all your connected Amazon Echo devices. Tap on the device for which you want to change the wake word.
  4. Open the wake word settings: Scroll down the device settings page until you find the “Wake Word” option. Tap on this option to open the wake word settings.
  5. Choose a new wake word: You will now see a list of the available wake words. Tap on the wake word you would like to use for your Amazon Echo device. A confirmation message will appear, stating that your device may take a few minutes to update the wake word.
  6. Wait for the update: Your Amazon Echo device will update its wake word, which may take a few minutes. During this time, the device’s light ring may flash orange. Once the update is complete, your device will respond to the new wake word.

Changing the Wake Word Using Voice Commands

You can also change the wake word for your Amazon Echo device using voice commands. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Activate your Echo device: Say the current wake word (e.g., “Alexa”) to activate your Amazon Echo device.
  2. Ask to change the wake word: Say, “Change the wake word.” Your Amazon Echo device will then provide you with the available wake word options.
  3. Select a new wake word: Respond with the wake word you would like to use (e.g., “Echo”). Your Amazon Echo device will confirm your selection and inform you that it may take a few minutes to update the wake word.
  4. Wait for the update: As with the app method, your Amazon Echo device will take a few minutes to update its wake word. During this time, the device’s light ring may flash orange. Once the update is complete, your device will respond to the new wake word.

Tips for Using Your New Wake Word

After changing the wake word for your Amazon Echo device, consider the following tips to ensure a smooth and enjoyable user experience:

  1. Practice pronunciation: Make sure you pronounce the new wake word clearly and consistently to avoid any issues with your device recognizing the command.
  2. Inform other users: If other people in your household use the Amazon Echo device, inform them of the new wake word to avoid confusion or frustration.
  3. Adjust voice training: If you have previously used the Voice Training feature in the Alexa app to improve your device’s recognition of your voice, you may want to repeat the process using the new wake word.
  4. Update routines and skills: If you have created routines or enabled skills that rely on voice commands, ensure that they are updated to include the new wake word.


Changing the wake word for your Amazon Echo device is a simple process that can enhance your user experience and help avoid accidental activations. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily customize your Amazon Echo device’s wake word and enjoy a more personalized interaction with your voice-controlled assistant. Whether you choose to use the Alexa app or voice commands, updating the wake word is a quick and straightforward process that can make your Amazon Echo experience even better.

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