Area Code 341

Area code 341 is in the state of California and has been in service since July 22, 2019. It is an overlay area code to 510 and 341, meaning that the same phone number will have all three area codes.

California Counties within Area Code 341

Alameda, and Contra Costa.

California Major Cities within Area Code 341

Area Code 341 is located in the East Bay area of Alameda County and Contra Costa County in California. It includes the larger cities and communities of Alameda, Berkeley, Castro Valley, El Cerrito, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Hercules, Newark, Oakland, Piedmont, Pinole, Richmond (which is home to the Richmond Civic Center), San Leandro (which is home to the San Leandro Marina), San Lorenzo, San Pablo, and Union City (which is home to Union Landing Shopping Center).

The area code also covers many smaller communities.

Area Code 341 Time Zone?

341 is located in the Pacific time zone, which is known as America/Los Angeles.

Go here to see the complete list of United States Area Codes.

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