‘Help! My Phone Is Acting Like Someone Else Is Controlling It! What’s Going On?’

There’s nothing quite as anxiety-inducing as feeling like you’ve lost control of your smartphone. It’s like a snippet of a sci-fi horror movie— only it’s real, and it’s happening to you. But don’t fret! There’s usually a plausible explanation, and this guide will walk you through what might be happening and how to fix it.

1. Background Apps Running

Firstly, can we dismiss the eeriely movement of your apps or weird stuttering in your display? This could be because you have several apps running simultaneously in the background. What happens is, these applications consume a hefty chunk of your device’s memory, leading to slow performance or even random activation of applications – making it seem as if your phone has a mind of its own.

To solve this issue, regularly review your apps and close any unnecessary ones running in the background. Another crucial step is regularly updating your apps and the phone’s operating system (OS) as the updates often contain bug fixes.

2. Touchscreen Issues

Your phone’s impostor-like behavior could also be due to issues with the touch screen. Dust, moisture, or even a screen protector could interfere with the touchscreen’s sensitivity, triggering erratic behavior. Clearing the screen thoroughly might solve the problem within no time.

However, if the issue persists, it might require professional attention, especially if the screen is cracked or damaged. Modern mobile phones have capacitive touch screens that can interpret even the slightest pressure as a touch. Thus, a small crack could implicate extensive disruptions in functionality.

3. Malware Infection

Malware is a notorious culprit that might cause your smartphone to act as if it’s under ghost control. Infected apps, or even spammy links and emails you clicked on, could be the culprit. They may install malicious software that attempts to take control or corrupt the system – hence, your smartphone acting erratically.

Hence, it is critical to be cautious while downloading apps, especially from unknown sources. Stick to official platforms like Google Play Store for Android or the App Store for iOS devices. Regularly conducting malware scans on your phone can also help detect the presence of any malicious software. Uninstall any suspicious apps or software immediately.

4. Remote Access and Control Tools

Remote access tools such as TeamViewer are meant to give someone else (hopefully someone you trust), control over your phone. If you have these on your phone, it could explain why your phone seems like it’s being controlled by someone else.

To resolve this, check your mobile applications for any remote access tools. It’s also good to maintain control over the sharing of your access codes. If you find any tool that you do not remember installing, remove it immediately and change your passwords.

5. Evidence of Stalkerware

While it is relatively rare, your phone’s strange behavior might be the result of stalkerware (spyware or surveillance apps) installed covertly by someone who wants to monitor your activities. If your phone suddenly has a higher data usage, decreased performance, or a faster-than-normal battery discharge, stalkerware might be the villain.

To combat stalkerware, install a trusted antivirus program to your phone. Many antivirus programs can detect malicious apps. Please remove them promptly and report the instance to your local authorities if you suspect it was an intentional invasion of your privacy.

6. Updating Firmware And Resetting The Phone

If the issues persist after trying out these steps, you might consider a factory reset. However, it’s a drastic action as it will wipe out all data and bring your phone back to its original state when you bought it. Before going ahead, ensure all your important data is backed up.


In conclusion, while the idea of your phone being in someone else’s control might be scary, most issues resulting in such behavior have simple and manageable solutions. Always keep your software up to date, download apps from reputable sources, watch out for phishing links, and keep a good antivirus or anti-malware app installed.

Remember, if you’re ever in doubt whether your smartphone might be under another’s control, seek professional help. While there’s usually a harmless answer, it can sometimes be a symptom of a bigger issue.

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