Where is 754 Area Code Located

The 754 area code is located in Florida. It covers the following cities: Sunrise, Deerfield Beach, Dania Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs, Hollywood, Weston and Pembroke Pines.

What Is Area Code?

An area code is a three-digit prefix used in telephone numbers to identify the geographic region where an individual is located.

The area codes are assigned by country and follow a standard pattern. The first two digits are known as the NPA or Network Prefix and they represent the landline operator. The next three digits are known as the NXX or Exchange Prefix, which represent the actual exchange or local number.

What time Zone is Area Code 754?

Area Code 754 is in the Eastern Time Zone.

Eastern Standard Time (EST) is 4 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

US Area Code Full List Here!

We hope this information has helped you to better understand the 754 area code and the state of Florida. If you have any other questions about area codes, please leave us a message in the comment section below!

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